Navigating the complex and constantly evolving landscape of direct and indirect tax compliance in today’s regulatory environment

  • Transfer Pricing and International Taxation
  • Direct Tax
  • Indirect Tax
  • Representation Service

Transfer Pricing and International Taxation

Our team is dedicated to helping our clients to provide expert guidance on setting and documenting arm’s length prices for intercompany transactions, ensuring compliance with global tax regulations. We assist in optimizing tax strategies, minimizing risks of double taxation, and navigating complex cross-border tax challenges to enhance your international business operations efficiently. We also helps our clients optimize their business presence in India through tax-efficient holding structures and business models that minimize the risk of triggering a Permanent Establishment. In addition, we assist our clients in meeting the Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting requirements. Our team works closely with clients to ensure that all necessary documentation is systematically maintained in compliance with the relevant regulations.

Direct Tax

Our Direct Tax services encompass comprehensive assistance with tax compliance, planning, and optimization. We offer expert guidance on interpreting complex tax regulations, ensuring accurate filing and minimizing tax liabilities. Our team analyzes your financial situation to identify deductions, exemptions, and credits, optimizing your tax position. With a focus on timely and compliant tax return preparation, we aim to streamline your tax obligations while maximizing savings. Trust us to navigate the intricate landscape of direct taxes, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Indirect Tax

Our Indirect Tax services encompass comprehensive support for businesses in managing their taxation obligations. We provide expert guidance on Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST), and other indirect taxes. Our offerings include tax registration, compliance assessment, return filing (including annual return), and strategic advice to optimize tax efficiency. With our tailored solutions, clients can navigate the complexities of indirect taxation, mitigate risks, and ensure adherence to relevant laws, promoting financial accuracy and minimizing liabilities.

Representation Services

We assist our clients in managing assessment proceedings conducted by tax authorities and provide representation services for appearances before revenue officers. Our team ensures that all submissions and appeals are effectively made and that audit note replies are thorough and persuasive. We are committed to helping our clients navigate the assessment process and achieve a favourable outcome.