R K Garg
Director and Mentor
Chartered Accountant, Company Secretory, M.Com
Former Director (Finance), Petronet LNG Ltd
Mr. R K Garg, is a Post Graduate in Commerce and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, He has deep understanding of national / international gas and LNG market.
Mr. R K. Garg worked with Petronet LNG Limited (PLL), over 16 years and has been part of the key senior management team involved in all its strategic decisions for sourcing of LNG, sales agreements, construction and financing of LNG terminals. He was also whole time Director on the Board of PLL and led Finance and Commercial functions.
After superannuation from PLL in 2017, Mr. Garg has been advising Indian and international companies/organizations in the areas of natural gas which includes
- Demand, availability and affordability of natural gas including LNG
- Sourcing of LNG including its global availability and pricing
- Policy and regulatory environment of natural gas in India
- LNG terminals including FSRU/FSU and small scale LNG infra
- City Gas Distribution business
- Gas trading hub/exchange